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February 04, 2007



"because when it comes right down to it... i don't think i KNOW"

I know that feeling too well


So good to hear(read) your words again.


just wanted to say i love you.. i'm so glad to see your words once again...

Connie Knighton

Surrender is a difficult word, isn't it. Somehow it has got contaminated.In the world it suggests loss of the victory, defeat,failure. Personally, I like the word the sense of 'letting go and letting God.' But my word doesn't go with the old tune. So sing on...and give it a sort of slow rock feel..."Aaall to Jeeesus, Aahee surrender, Aaall to Him, Aahee freeeleee give." Daaa, da Daaa da, Daaa, da Daaa da.

"Oh the joy of full salvation, glory, glory to His name."

Jim Wilson

May God continue to bless you as you continue to provide quality and informative substance to your posts. God Bless - Rev. Jim Wilson

Jim Wilson

May God continue to bless you as you continue to provide quality and informative substance to your posts. God Bless - Rev. Jim Wilson



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