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February 04, 2007


Sun Warrior

The U.S. is so often convicted for its militarism. I actually take encouragement that this is not so. If a $439 billion defense budget can't subdue a little country like Iraq, I don't think the world has much to worry about.

But wouldn't it be nice if it could remove someone like the Sudan general, and actually have the rest of the world come in and support the society. It might get some luster back in the old stars-and-stripes.

Dim Lamp

What's going on in Darfur is criminal and sinful, racism and genocide plain and simple--and we're all guilty.

Caroline Rhoads

Life is change. It is impossible to freeze life and make everything remain the way they are. I am so glad that we as Christian can bring positive change to those that need to see the love of Christ… Thank you for your articles! Jesus Is Lord!


Are you eager to secure funds for that dream project of yours?


Have you been turned down by other lenders?


You write well will be waiting for your new publications.


You write well will be waiting for your new publications.

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traveling companions

  • anj
    a finder and holder of stories.
  • jay voorhees
    only wonder understands
  • jeff
    mixed metaphors from my curious brain
  • karyn
  • natala
    and that has made all the difference
  • wes
    wake up...stay curious
  • will
    journey through willzhead

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