Do you ever get so busy and so consumed with what you are doing that you miss the why... that you stumble along the road and keep going, without looking left or right at the scenery, up or down at the wonder and splendor of the very act of living...
I do... I have... and now I muse as I re-read the tagline for this Sojourn site: places to rest & re-create... as i have done little of either recently.
I stopped blogging with Katrina, tried at times, but words stuck like sawdust in the gears of my mind and the screen remained blank. I even stopped writing for a bit, and felt the loss of my hands, my soul becoming parched and distant in the absent comfort of words...
no answers yet, but an itching to write, to say something...
Places to rest & re-create... require time, silence and purposed stillness. That is what i find myself in... housebound and bone tired due to continued health struggles that have resulted in a major asthma flare-up, tons of steriods and rest... and i wonder if it took all this to get my attention, that i had not been resting... and thus recreating had fallen by the wayside as well.
Don't get me wrong, life has been busy as the days have trundled by, filled with the daily-ness of life, peppered with the changes that accompany growing teenagers, launching college kids, and the demand of work. However, the getting by, getting through, is boring and i miss the creative moments of words and whimsy that comes with play.
Writing is play for me... therapy, sanity and intensely creative play. Thoughts tumbled about...working with and against each other to uncover the smooth seamless surface that reveals beauty. Writing either in my jornal or her onmy blog enables me to see what i think and feel with a clarity like no other medium, and as i read and reflect, i am reminded again of my love of wordsmithing.
Detours... often take us off the beaten track and we find hidden respites and treasures.. this has not been such a detour for me... it have been a long and weary trip through much wasteland, in which that i almost lost myself...and i am grateful to return to familiar soil and landscapes. However, it was not without a few redemptive moments as desert wandering often is...
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