I have been privileged to build a friendship with 5 remarkable young men, who are a testimony to the resilience of the human spirit, the reality of faith that moves mountains, and living proof of miracles. Angelo, James, Mac, Samuel and William have changed my life. They are each one of the Lost Boys of Sudan. This weekend, July 6-8, 2006 they will re-gather with many of their brothers to remember and to reconnect, and most importantly to forge ahead to rebuild their country... A country that rejected them, that slaughtered their parents, raped and killed their sisters, and sought to kill them as well... but these lost boys are linked to this land... their home of Southern Sudan, where they long to return and be part of the peace process and rebuilding, thereby shaping the possibilities of the future.
and i am privileged to sit among them...to listen and to learn, to be humbled and inspired... and then to do a little something to perchance make a difference!!
Overwhelmed with the horrors of genocide in Darfur, Sudan, my small efforts seem almost impossible, even inconsequential to make any difference... and i have heard this angst and lament from others, but i am convinced that if everyone did something, however small, the world would change.
someone hid Anne Frank, and her story has changed the world
someone was Schindler's first refugee, and many heard of his kindness and followed the path to freedom...
someone began the underground railroad that saved the first slave...
someone harbored the fugitive family from Bethlehem as they fled to Egypt ...
i may not be able to do much... i cannot save the world... honestly, i cannot "save" anyone... but i CAN do SOMETHING!
that is a relief.. that i am only called to "my something" and to do that work, follow that tug on my heart is my responsibility... nothing more, and certainly nothing less...
so... this weekend, my something has taken shape with the help of many other people following the tug of their "somethings" !!!
All the information that you will need is available on our website: lostboysgathering.org
and we were recently featured on NBC4!
Lost Boys: Found! A Time of Reunion, Vision, Advocacy & Hope with the Lost Boys of Sudan July 6-8th @ George Mason University, Fairfax VA will feature Manute Bol, from the Dinka Tribe, of Southern Sudan, as well as the stories of numerous Lost Boys & Girls of Sudan. We will hear from Congressman Frank Wolf, and representatives from Save Darfur, Africa Action, USAID, and many others.
Looking forward to seeing you there!!! It will be a rich and meaningful time that you will not want to miss!
If you decide to attend, please email me, so that i can keep an eye out for you and introduce you to my Lost Boy friends!!
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