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October 09, 2005



your post reminds me of lyrics in a jars of clay song, sinking: Treading water I keep from sinking - I'm not one for reaching.

it's okay to reach, a lot of people probably have you on their bloglines for when you do put up something, however sporadic your posting may be. i've missed you and was happy to see you here and at *susie*

i am glad you are well.


Oh Susie, how well I relate. The caring of those I love so deeply can drain me. I can no longer care for them the "right" way if I'm not nourishing my own soul. The dark days of my soul seem upon me again, as I seek to allow the Light into the blackness.
much love to you.


i totally am with you... and so glad that you are taking care of yourself in the ways that you have - much love to you -


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traveling companions

  • anj
    a finder and holder of stories.
  • jay voorhees
    only wonder understands
  • jeff
    mixed metaphors from my curious brain
  • karyn
  • natala
    and that has made all the difference
  • wes
    wake up...stay curious
  • will
    journey through willzhead

fellow sojourners