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August 11, 2005



Susie this is very powerful. Together with what I have experienced and learned over the past days in my Story workshop, there is much here that helps me take joy in my own story, in the stories of others. There is much here that encourages, challenges, and calls me/us to holiness with vulnerability, honesty and humility.
Thank you for these powerful posts.



This particularly spoke to me:
Are we willing to be honest…about our fear of the Light, that threatens to undo us in its brightness and expose our strategies for control and relief?

Sometimes the Light fills me with fear. Fear of rejection mostly. It's horrible. My knowledge and experience of God says it's based on a lie, but the fear remains. It paralyses me if I let it.

Yet when I choose to step into the Light - it's wonderful amazing and not blinding at all,.

Thank you for these courageous posts. Bless you

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traveling companions

  • anj
    a finder and holder of stories.
  • jay voorhees
    only wonder understands
  • jeff
    mixed metaphors from my curious brain
  • karyn
  • natala
    and that has made all the difference
  • wes
    wake up...stay curious
  • will
    journey through willzhead

fellow sojourners