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« Following after the way of Jesus..."Dear Sudan, Love..." a grassroots effort to support humanitarian efforts in Sudan | Main | PBS runs two-part story on Emergent »

July 21, 2005



Susie - thoughtful post, and oh so real. Theology must move toward praxis, and it is love, love of mercy, that G-d would desire we be motivated by rather than duty. In our suburban home, I too struggle with the realities of living this out. I feel very led to partner with those I know in justice concerns, that my hands need to be involved as well as my heart and my money. Thank you for this discussion and the prompting it has done in my soul.


can you buy those green bands in singles or are they packaged in sets? didn't know if you had extras.

even though i'm a guy and don't really care if stuff clashes, i still can't stand wearing the band but do it out of awareness and to be a voice. its hard b/c i have seen how there is a band for everything and its resembling the WWJD braclet craze a few years back. so my nature tells me to do the opposite of what is "hip" or "cool" (basically i'm none of these so it makes it even easier) and that would be to not wear a band of any sorts. thanks for relating your feelings about Darfur and posting links.


oh clark, i would love to say that i am deep enough to not wear the band as a non conformist... i have other arena of nn-conformity, but in true confessions it is about style. the green bands can be purchased at and you can get them in singles, 10's or more... i don't have any left, or i would send you one. ;D


there is nothing about darfur on this entire page

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  • anj
    a finder and holder of stories.
  • jay voorhees
    only wonder understands
  • jeff
    mixed metaphors from my curious brain
  • karyn
  • natala
    and that has made all the difference
  • wes
    wake up...stay curious
  • will
    journey through willzhead

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