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May 22, 2005


Andrew Seely

Just so you have my stuff. Talk to ya soon. It was a great time.


i love susie albert miller.... she is one of my new "faves"....


"intentionality" that was a big word. i'd add "hemeneutic" to the mix. our spiritual lives are done in the context of our narrative, i seemed to hear that a few times.

the best t-shirt i saw was on a little infant boy, it was a camo shirt and said "pee all you can pee" a throw back to the army.. i almost pee'd myself it was so funny.

ellina rosen

Sounds great. Thanks for the link on new monasticism, us old monastics are happy to encourage those moving things forward, though we feel very much alive ourselves!

Wes Roberts

...thank you...bless you...get well! So many good memories make me eager for more...solme day.

Existential Punk

It was so AWESOME to meet you! Look forward to staying in touch and encouraging one another along the journey of becoming Christians! Adele

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traveling companions

  • anj
    a finder and holder of stories.
  • jay voorhees
    only wonder understands
  • jeff
    mixed metaphors from my curious brain
  • karyn
  • natala
    and that has made all the difference
  • wes
    wake up...stay curious
  • will
    journey through willzhead

fellow sojourners