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March 09, 2005


Jason Clark

great summary and post susie, thank you. Jason


'Just as the Enlightenment had pervasive influence on the world, so and radically changed lifestyles, vision and knowledge, so has postmodernism.'

true. it's just another philosophy, with both good and bad aspects. it isn't up to the church to debate. the church's role is to relate to postmodern culture, as Paul related to the gentiles. that was a huge culture shift for the Jewish believers, who hadn't expected to include gentiles in their group.


At times, it feels like the fighting between Peter and Paul over including the gentiles, or accepting them and their differences, when we struggle through this huge philosophical and cultural shift from modernism to postmodernism...what would happen if we began to listen and accept and the way of Jesus


This forum needed sahknig up and you’ve just done that. Great post!

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traveling companions

  • anj
    a finder and holder of stories.
  • jay voorhees
    only wonder understands
  • jeff
    mixed metaphors from my curious brain
  • karyn
  • natala
    and that has made all the difference
  • wes
    wake up...stay curious
  • will
    journey through willzhead

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