let him who is without sin, cast the first stone...
stones...representing the multitude of judgments in my heart, those spoken aloud, those that have remained silent, judgments passed with scornful eyes, a haughty heart, arrogant knowledge and self righteousness...
stones that should never be thrown.
i had forgotten this verse...
stones, so many stones i have carelessly cast, forgetting that i am only to cast a stone if i am without sin...forgetting that therefore, i am not to cast a stone...for i am the chief among sinners...regardless if my judgment is with or without merit, i am permitted to cast a stone...if i am without sin...
judgment is not what i am to conclude with...but instead, compassion... Stones of condemnation fell from the hands of the Pharisees, the accusers of the women caught in adultery, from the hands of the crowd who knew that she clearly was guilty of breaking god's law, that she deserved the punishment that they held in their hands, death by stoning...in the silent courtyard, the stones fell, one by one, as a confessional...
This morning in church, this scene was portrayed with verbal reflections from a pharisee who remembered that morning, and the woman caught in adultery and dragged before Jesus... this morning in church, i was handed a stone to hold in my hand, as part of the angry crowd...
...this morning i was invited to see the multitude of stones clutched in my hands, stones i was ready to hurl at those who had wronged me, those who had wronged others, those who deserved condemnation, and as i look down at the stone i held, i saw that i was no different...how many times had i been caught, deserving of judgment, how many times had i refused to give grace...how many times did being right come before being loving...and the stone felt heavy in my hand as loosened my grip as tears filled my eyes.
...who is left that condemns you, Jesus asked the woman, "no one," she tearfully replies...
...no one...i want to be a no one, not a someone who condemns... "neither do I condemn you," Jesus said to her, and to me...this morning as i realized that i too have been caught...my sin exposed...
"go and sin no more..." judge and condemn no more, no longer idolize being right/righteous over being compassionate and loving..."worship me alone." Jesus says to me, with eyes full of forgiveness...
this morning in church, i was invited to the Lord's table, as i walked to the table, there was a pit of sand, in which to drop my stone, no longer to be thrown at anyone...dropped with a thud in the sand at my feet, in order to trade it for a softened heart...a heart that Jesus will mold and heal and infuse with love for those that i am quick to judge, with compassion and forgiveness for those who have hurt me, but most of all with a clean heart for a new beginning, mercies for the new day... my heart...forgiven, refreshed, new life bought with his blood, that i might "go and sin no more..."
what a great invitation and activity at church to participate in. thank you for sharing that. Jason
Posted by: Jason Clark | February 21, 2005 at 01:40 AM
....cool idea..great reminder...
Posted by: maryann | February 21, 2005 at 12:51 PM
A powerful picture, where i remembered the pain of the stones thrown in judgement, and I remembered when I too have thrown them.
I sit with the picture of the sand and wait to see more.
Posted by: stephanie | June 14, 2006 at 06:45 PM